
mother standing in doorway holding baby wrapped in white blanket

Get tips on perfect photo wardrobe from a Tillsonburg family photographer. Say no to logos, opt for comfort, and shine in every frame!

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Here’s our top 10 tips for preparing for your in-home newborn session in Tillsonburg, ON. These are sure to give you great newborn photo experience.

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Sunset adventure sessions really have a way of pulling at my heart strings! This session with Renee and Josh was absolute perfection! We met at Bass Lake Provincial Park in Orillia, ON to get some shots by the lake but unfortunately they had closed the gate where we were planning to enter! We may or […]

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Adam and Kinley could NOT be more adorable human beings. They are such sweet people and to top it all off, they love dogs… and we all know that dog people are the BEST people! Before their engagement session, they invited us to Kinley’s parents house in Braestone for coffee/tea so we could get a […]

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SERVING Orillia, southern ontario & destinations

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